Get the most beneficial outcome with your divorce.
At Crocker & Crocker, PC you can trust you’re securing an experienced divorce attorney. We’ll help you resolve your divorce in a civil, cooperative manner.
We’ll help you through the litigation process.
Divorce can quickly impact the lives of all parties involved. Take action and be proactive about how everything will be distributed. Hire one of our experienced attorneys to make everything run smoothly. Our divorce lawyers are effective at presenting divorce cases at any level of the litigation process.
- Divorce (No-Fault and Fault)
- Equitable distribution
- Property settlement agreements
- Pre-nuptial agreements
- Post-nuptial agreements
- Cohabitation agreements

Know you’ll be supported after your divorce.
Our number one goal with our divorce law practice is to achieve the fairest possible outcome for both parties in the process of a divorce. We will help you and your spouse come to legal agreements about monthly support to fairly benefit everyone.
- Spousal support
- Child support
- Alimony Pendente Lite (APL)
- Permanent alimony